Affordable Green Systems, LLC (“AGS, LLC”) is the operating and research and development (“R&D”) incubator for AGS’s suite of green-tech products. The first of those green-tech products out of R&D and into full production and installation is the Green Air Switch™.
Stay tuned as we announce “New Products”, both on our web site and through our press releases, bringing our other incubating products out of R&D and into full production.
Affordable Green Systems, Inc. (“AGS, Inc.”) is our marketing, sales, installation and services entity.
Green Air Switch™
The Green Air Switch™ has been in development for
the past five years to address a number of air
conditioning and energy-related issues, namely:
- Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)
- Free-Cooling System
- Energy Efficiency
- Effective and Simple Control of the HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning) Systems
- Automated and Wireless Remote Control of all System Functions
- Reduced Maintenance and Repair of the Air Conditioning Outdoor Unit